My husband has been teasing me since we got married about Irish food vs Italian food. He clearly felt this his heritage had definitely come out on top in the food category. In the weeks leading up to …
The Magnetism of The Trades
As I wandered through the Blarney Woolen Mills built-in 1823, I touched products made in every county in Ireland. The sweet musty smell of wool perched next to the milky white bone china captivated …
Wishes Fulfilled: Irish Spring in Blarney
Ireland is a county that reprocesses itself through the mills of its imagination. But we all do. To understand the Irish, mere facts can never be enough … That’s why I spent my life as I did - because …
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Closing The Gap on Immigration
There’s an old Irish saying: If you don’t use your power, it will leave you for someone who will. Ireland. ~ A Novel by Frank Delaney It has been almost two years since we visited Ellis Island and …
Secrets of Italian Beaches
The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. To dig for treasures shows not only impatience and greed, but lack of faith. Patience, patience, patience, is what the …
What Gifts Are You About to Receive?
Two years ago, as I was backing out of my parents' driveway in Washington, I was introduced to one of their friends. With three tired children in the car and a ferry boat to catch, the conversation …