“What does it depend on when we have experienced a month as a fulfilled time, our time, instead of a time that has passed us by . . .that ran through our fingers, so that it seems to us like a lost, …
Camping in Paris?
When I conjured up images of wandering the streets of Paris with my children, we were always resting our weary feet in a beautiful apartment in the 1st Arrondissement. I imagined strolls along the …
Delightful Dordogne
Every day in my travel research I come across the terms hidden gem, off the beaten path, unspoiled, authentic, undiscovered . . . The Dordogne region of France is the only place I have been to date, …
Private vs. Public Waterfront: Prime Real Estate Debate
The Public Trust Doctrine was first articulated in Roman law: “By the law of nature these things are common to mankind the air, running water, the sea, and consequently the shores of the sea.” This …
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The Road Less Traveled: Costa Verde, Spain
Almost 2,000 Kilometers of verdant coastline across the Iberian Peninsula announce that one has arrived on the “Green Coast” of Spain. Galacia, Asturias, Cantabria, and Basque Country are equally rich …
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A Different Kind of Pilgrimage: Santiago de Compostela
“I would not like to live in a world without cathedrals. I need their beauty and grandeur. I need them against the vulgarity of the world. I want to look up at the illuminated church windows and let …
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