Because we have chosen to live out of five carry-on bags, our Christmas this year was aligned with values we have always shared. We frequently talked about having more experiences and less “stuff” …
Adding Fuel to Your Fireside Chat
Since the house is on fire, let us warm ourselves! ~Italian Proverb A Christmas Eve bonfire? We were intrigued. As we ventured to the town of Nemoli, population 1,500, we wondered what we would find …
Creating Your Own Soundtrack
I can’t walk past a blackberry bush dripping with berries and not pick them. I see jam and cobblers and vanilla ice cream smothered in blackberry sauce and something inside me says pick. The men in my …
What Story Do Your Traditions Tell?
“There is no room at the Inn.” We walked endlessly, with three kids in tow, through winding cobbled streets as the wind blew past thousands of Italian tourists visiting Cortona for All Saints’ …
Is Your Food Market Fresh?
Eating local is a way of life in Italy. There is no “locavore” movement. It is a state of being. The biggest shift for us coming from the United States, was the lack of choice. Coming from Bainbridge …
Built To Last: What do Cultural Values and Real Estate Have in Common?
In our slow travel across Italy, I have noticed some distinct differences in the real estate culture here and in the United States. After thinking about it for a while and discussing these …
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