Today, the exercise is about appreciating nature. This is the final installment of our gift this week. If you would like to continue receiving practices like these five days a week, click here!
Gratitude practices are a huge part of our study of living deliberately each day. As this is the week we celebrate Thanksgiving in the USA, we are going to send you to practice each day that you can engage in quickly and even pass on to others.
We guarantee that if all you have time to do is read the practice, you will feel more present during this busy time.
Click here to read the blog that inspired this Livit.
Today I deliberately open my eyes to the world around me with intention.
- Make a commitment to look up, out, and around.
- What beauty do you find in unexpected places? Is there a flower pushing through the concrete on the sidewalk? Are raindrops caught in a luminous spider web? Does a puddle reflect a grey sky from a new perspective?
- Simply look for the beauty around every corner.
Today I deliberately open my eyes to the world around me with intention because I know that my awareness is a vital part of the magic that reveals itself to me.