When I was teaching high school in the United States, I loved Friday nights and the month of July. Why? Because those were the only times I was not in transition. By Saturday afternoon, I was …
A Kid’s Club Culture: How Europeans Breathe Life Into The Mundane
“We have animation,” the concierge explained when we checked into a hotel in Malta. I walked away thinking of the English meaning of animation which is largely related to cartoons. I truly had no idea …
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The Fear of Losing Focus
The early weeks of the New Year seem blanketed in a hushed focus. It feels like a very serious time where all the frivolity of the holidays is behind us and now it is time to get back to business. …
You Don’t Have to Practice What They Preach
The astronomer may speak to you of his understanding of space , but he cannot give you his understanding. The musician may sing to you of the rhythm which is in all space , but he cannot give you …
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Pizza, Pasta & Paleo?
Most people know what foods fuel their body and what foods slow them down. There are a million different prescriptions out there for what is right, but we all know, when we listen to our bodies, what …
Retention or Intention: What Will You Choose?
As I looked up the milliliters to cup conversion for the thousandth time since we have been in Europe, my husband said, “Why don’t you just memorize it?” To which I replied, “There is no space for …
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