Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back everything is different ... - C.S. Lewis The Christmas buffet was dripping with watermelon, cherries, and fluffy pavlova with …
Sweet As: Understanding Kiwi Culture
As I listened to the server at the cafe talk, my jaw started to drop. Her story went something like this: “I was utterly gobsmacked when I learned I needed extra 4x2’s to frame out the hob before I …
When Is Enough, Enough?
No matter what corner of the world we are in, this season often brings to light the feeling that whatever we are doing is not enough. We have not bought enough, or written enough, or called enough or …
It’s Time to Be The Curator of Your Life
This season is full of extreme and often contrasting, emotions. Some moments are so tranquil, followed by sheer chaos. There are times when I feel so abundant and then experience a fear of loss that …
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Livology 2015 Photo Journal of The Year
January | Michelangelo's Marble Quarry in the Apuan Alps | "We thought it would be a beautiful drive through the mountains and somehow the marble would be more accessible. It was beautiful but I …
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Globetrotting Good Reads for Kids 2015
Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them. - Lemony Snicket I will never forget receiving Where the Wild Things Are from my mother when I was a child. There was a note inscribed …
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