Everywhere we have gone in Italy, without exception, our children, all children, are not just welcomed, they are enveloped! Store owners come out of shops to grab their cheeks and give them oranges …
The Freedom of Florence
Beauty awakens the soul to act. ~Dante Alighieri Florence was a little overwhelming for the teacher in me, so much so, that I avoided going to the number one place on my list until the week …
Aspiring to Be Off-Line and Connected
We visited a police station last week as part of our residency verification process for the citizenship applications. After walking past all 10 offices and the front lobby, there was not a computer or …
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It Is Not About What You Should Do
We have had countless conversations about organized religion and have been to numerous services at different churches since we met. After we had kids, we spent a lot time trying to find the right …
Built To Last: What do Cultural Values and Real Estate Have in Common?
In our slow travel across Italy, I have noticed some distinct differences in the real estate culture here and in the United States. After thinking about it for a while and discussing these …
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Is Delayed Gratification Serving You?
“The Sweet Life,” is so cliché, and overdone, I stated to a friend emphatically. It turns out, I just didn’t understand the meaning of “sweet life” until we moved to Italy. It is a way of savoring …
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