I can’t walk past a blackberry bush dripping with berries and not pick them. I see jam and cobblers and vanilla ice cream smothered in blackberry sauce and something inside me says pick. The men in my …
Just Published!
Colleen was just published on the home page of International Living! We are not sure how long it will be on the home page so CLICK HERE to see the entire post. Merry Christmas from the Mariotti's! …
Are Your Lists Controlling Your Life?
I have had the same “holiday list” for 10 years. On my list was everything from Santa pictures, to holiday card photo sessions, ordering gifts, shipping gifts, teacher gifts, clients gifts, special …
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Contagious Christmas Spirit Video Clip
This is not our typical post but we hope you find it as amusing as we do. We recently visited the Statua del Cristo Redentore. It is the 5th largest statue of Jesus in the world, started in 1963, by …
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The Lights Are on but Nobody's Home: Marketing Vacant Homes So They Sell
Vacant is defined as, “Containing nothing. Empty.” Vacant homes can take 50% longer to sell and have more issues than occupied homes. Vacant homes also have more price reductions because they sit on …
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Do You Know The Whole Story?
When I was talking to my parents on the phone, describing a day we spent in a knife makers workshop a few weeks ago, my dad said, “You know your Great Uncle was a blacksmith and he used to fabricate …