We are “world-schooling" our three children as we travel. One of the reasons for this journey was to experience the world with and through our children’s eyes and to facilitate nurturing passions that …
Livology on ITunes: Family Adventure Podcast
We recently had the pleasure of meeting Erik Hemingway. He is a fellow Real Estate Professional and Family Adventure expert. Erik, his wife, and six kids explored the world on their sailboat for …
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The French Riviera: From Monaco to Cassis
“Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness anymore if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds.” ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne …
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Luminous Le Luberon: Provence, France
France is one of the few places I have traveled where I feel like I was, in fact, born yesterday! Exploring the villages of Le Luberon and beyond, was no exception. It is hard to describe the …
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Aix-en-Provence and The Explosion of Spring
I have never felt spring emerge the way I have in Aix-en-Provence. When we arrived, the plane trees were ghostly bare and the shoppers at the outdoor markets were still bowing to the wind, heads down …
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Second Honeymoon on The Italian Riviera
As we prepared for our wedding, countless people told us we should travel before having kids before it is too late, they warned. In some cases they were right. The past ten years were a blur of soft …
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