This week Ron and the kids are officially Italian Citizens and have Italian Passports in hand. I have been recognized as being married to an Italian Citizen, although I had a hunch about that before …
What Are Your Favorite Subjects?
The teacher in me always asks kids, “What is your favorite subject in school?” All over the world, to date, the majority of kids say, “lunch and recess.” Here is what we have learned from a year of …
Do You Have All the Answers?
What is the answer? I know the answer! You got four out of five answers correct! Answer me! Did you answer the question? Many chapters in my life have been about learning, knowing and bestowing …
The Unexpected Can Give You Just What You Expect
During a recent trip to an airport steeped in chaos in Rome, I was reminded of the unexpected sense of peace I felt at the Long Beach Airport in California almost a year ago. We were officially …
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When Is It Time to Remember?
This past month Ron and I have focused on redesigning, reinventing, revising, and restoring but what we will take with us from this time is the overwhelming feeling that it was time to remember. As …
What if You Believed Good Things Come in Threes?
Bianca lost three teeth last week and someone said, “That’s three. You are done with your losses this week.” She was confused by this “Bad Things Happen in Threes’” idea AND the fact that losing teeth …
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