Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the …
The Secrets in This Old House
Memories tumble out of her head and cartwheel across the floor. - All The Light We Cannot See Anthony Doerr I have always loved old houses. I like the energy I feel going into an old home. I like …
Shifting Perceptions And How People Represent Systems
Several years ago, I remember standing in the line at Starbucks at 6:00 AM, with my suitcase full of papers to grade, listening to a man in line complain about the quality of our public schools. I …
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The World Does Not Revolve Around You
For more than a year we have traversed Europe but this week, gazing up at a statue of Galileo Galilei outside the Uffizi in Florence, Italy, many images blazed through my mind. I saw the violet …
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A Legendary Cake: Italian Panettone
A party without cake is just a meeting - Julia Child For Italians, Christmas without panettone would be like having Thanksgiving without turkey. The brightly colored, ribbon-handled boxes are …
Falling for Europe: Favorite Autumn Moments in Pictures
Thoughts by Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy (age 14) I love the Autumn, and yet I cannot say all the thoughts and things that make one feel this way. I love walking on the angry shore, to watch the …
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